Dr. Clark knows Autism is treatable...
But the causes of Autism are extraordinarily complex:
Immune System Imbalances: autoimmunity, auto-inflammation...(even immune deficiency)
Neuroinflammation: inflammation in the brain and central nervous system
Hyper-Leaky barriers: gut barrier, lung barrier, Blood-Brain Barrier
Toxic chemicals and Heavy metals
Food Intolerance/sensitivity: gluten, casein, soy...and more
Gastrointestinal malfunction: digestion, absorption and elimination
Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis: bacterial and fungal overgrowths and parasitic infections
Genetics: chromosomal deletions, mutations, SNPs
Circuit Problems (basal ganglia, frontal lobes, cerebellum...)

All of these possibilities must be investigated (or at least considered ) if your child is ever going to be social, or live an independent, productive life.
Too many well-intentioned doctors and therapists don't understand this BIG picture:
...Each child is unique. One-size-fits-all cookie cutter programs are doomed to fail for at least 50% of children.
This is why Dr. Clark believes:
"Treat the Child, Not Their Diagnosis"
Fill out the form below to gain instant access to Dr. Clark's video:
"Why Dr. Clark's Autism Program is Unique and What to Expect"