This is the place for
The medication wasn't working for me.
I was suffering from lethargy, my brain would get scrambled and I had gained a ton of weight...
​With the protocol, I feel 100% better. I've lost 12 pounds.
​Now, I'm more engaged in my family's life.
— Kim
Don't "fit" into one of the "boxes" above? Learn about his treatment approach and submit your unique case details for a complementary Case Review! Get started by clicking HERE.
"I Do Things Differently"
If you look above you'll see a list of conditions and problems I've been able to help without drugs and without surgery. That's the main reason I made this website: so you have enough information to make the best decision.
Something that happens to me every day—and it breaks my heart—is someone comes in and says "I wish I had found you ten years ago."
I don't want to hear that anymore. I really want you to understand all of your options.
I do things differently.
I truly look at you as a whole person. You may have symptoms such as numbness in your arm or dizziness, fatigue, or low thyroid. Of course I'm going to explore those specific symptoms. But...I learned a long time ago that if get too focused on your symptoms or your label, then I miss the big picture.

And the big picture is: Everything Is Connected
... Brain... Hormones... Blood.... Immune System.... It all matters.
For example, your brain needs two things to be healthy:
✓ Fuel — what goes in your mouth and what you breathe and absorb
✓ Activation — your brain needs to be stimulated and exercised
Hormones and the Immune System dramatically affect the brain's fuel supply...
... AND a weak brain causes unbalanced hormones and immune system function.
That's what I look at:
I'm going to take a comprehensive look at YOU.
It doesn't matter if you (or your child) have low thyroid, vertigo, neuropathy or autism...
✓ I'm going to examine you neurologically (the health and function of your brain and nervous system)
✓ I'm going to examine you physically (eyes, ears, heart, lungs, and spine)
✓ And, I am going to look at you chemically (what's going on inside you in terms of immune sytem, nutrition, hormones, vitamin and mineral deficiencies)
Why do I do all this?
Because that's how to get the best results.
And to be brutally honest with you: that's why I get my patients great results as fast as I do, when no one else has been able to help.
I'm looking for the right things.
I don't care what your diagnosis is. I don't care what name it's been given—if your problem even has a name.
I don't care what other doctors have told you about what's possible for your condition or what drugs you've taken…
This is the place for you if you're looking for answers.